Mitigation-related activities are taking place across the United States at the federal, state, and local levels as well as in the private sector. Since the Third National Climate Assessment, a growing number of states, cities, and businesses have pursued or deepened initiatives aimed at reducing emissions.
In the absence of more significant global mitigation efforts, climate change is projected to impose substantial damages on the U.S. economy, human health, and the environment. Under scenarios with high emissions and limited or no adaptation, annual losses in some sectors are estimated to grow to hundreds of billions of dollars by the end of the century. It is very likely that some physical and ecological impacts will be irreversible for thousands of years, while others will be permanent.
Many climate change impacts and associated economic damages in the United States can be substantially reduced over the course of the 21st century through global-scale reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, though the magnitude and timing of avoided risks vary by sector and region. The effect of near-term emissions mitigation on reducing risks is expected to become apparent by mid-century and grow substantially thereafter.
Interactions between mitigation and adaptation are complex and can lead to benefits, but they also have the potential for adverse consequences. Adaptation can complement mitigation to substantially reduce exposure and vulnerability to climate change in some sectors. This complementarity is especially important given that a certain degree of climate change due to past and present emissions is unavoidable.
Virtually Certain | Extremely Likely | Very Likely | Likely | About as Likely as Not | Unlikely | Very Unikely | Extremely Unlikely | Exceptionally Unlikely |
99%–100% | 95%–100% | 90%–100% | 66%-100% | 33%-66% | 0%-33% | 0%-10% | 0%-5% | 0%-1% |
Very High | High | Medium | Low |
Strong evidence (established theory, multiple sources, consistent results, well documented and accepted methods, etc.), high consensus | Moderate evidence (several sources, some consistency, methods vary and/or documentation limited, etc.), medium consensus | Suggestive evidence (a few sources, limited consistency, models incomplete, methods emerging, etc.), competing schools of thought | Inconclusive evidence (limited sources, extrapolations, inconsistent findings, poor documentation and/or methods not tested, etc.), disagreement or lack of opinions among experts |
Documenting Uncertainty: This assessment relies on two metrics to communicate the degree of certainty in Key Findings. See Guide to this Report for more on assessments of likelihood and confidence.
Current and future emissions of greenhouse gases, and thus emission mitigation actions, are crucial for determining future risks and impacts of climate change to society. The scale of risks that can be avoided through mitigation actions is influenced by the magnitude of emissions reductions, the timing of those reductions, and the relative mix of mitigation strategies for emissions of long-lived greenhouse gases (namely, carbon dioxide), short-lived greenhouse gases (such as methane), and land-based biologic carbon.1 Many actions at national, regional, and local scales are underway to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including efforts in the private sector.
Climate change is projected to significantly damage human health, the economy, and the environment in the United States, particularly under a future with high greenhouse gas emissions. A collection of frontier research initiatives is underway to improve understanding and quantification of climate impacts. These studies have been designed across a variety of sectoral and spatial scales and feature the use of internally consistent climate and socioeconomic scenarios. Recent findings from these multisector modeling frameworks demonstrate substantial and far-reaching changes over the course of the 21st century—and particularly at the end of the century—with negative consequences for a large majority of sectors, including infrastructure and human health.2,3,4,5 For sectors where positive effects are observed in some regions or for specific time periods, the effects are typically dwarfed by changes happening overall within the sector or at broader scales.
Recent studies also show that many climate change impacts in the United States can be substantially reduced over the course of the 21st century through global-scale reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. While the difference in climate outcomes between scenarios is more modest through the first half of the century,6 the effect of mitigation in avoiding climate change impacts typically becomes clear by 2050 and increases substantially in magnitude thereafter. Research supports that early and substantial mitigation offers a greater chance of avoiding increasingly adverse impacts.
The reduction of climate change risk due to mitigation also depends on assumptions about how adaptation changes the exposure and vulnerability of the population. Physical damages to coastal property and transportation infrastructure are particularly sensitive to adaptation assumptions, with proactive measures estimated to be capable of reducing damages by large fractions. Because society is already committed to a certain amount of future climate change due to past and present emissions and because mitigation activities cannot avoid all climate-related risks, mitigation and adaptation activities can be considered complementary strategies. However, adaptation can require large up-front costs and long-term commitments for maintenance, and uncertainty exists in some sectors regarding the applicability and effectiveness of adaptation in reducing risk. Interactions between adaptation and mitigation strategies can result in benefits or adverse consequences. While uncertainties still remain, advancements in the modeling of climate and economic impacts, including current understanding of adaptation pathways, are increasingly providing new capabilities to understand and quantify future effects.
Click to zoom in or out and to view data.
Martinich, J., B.J. DeAngelo, D. Diaz, B. Ekwurzel, G. Franco, C. Frisch, J. McFarland, and B. O’Neill, 2018: Reducing Risks Through Emissions Mitigation. In Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the United States: Fourth National Climate Assessment, Volume II [Reidmiller, D.R., C.W. Avery, D.R. Easterling, K.E. Kunkel, K.L.M. Lewis, T.K. Maycock, and B.C. Stewart (eds.)]. U.S. Global Change Research Program, Washington, DC, USA, pp. 1346–1386. doi: 10.7930/NCA4.2018.CH29
This chapter assesses recent advances in climate science and impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability research that have improved understanding of how potential mitigation pathways can avoid or reduce the long-term risks of climate change within the United States. This chapter does not evaluate technology options, costs, or the adequacy of existing or planned mitigation efforts relative to meeting specific policy targets, as those topics have been the subject of domestic (e.g., Executive Office of the President 2016, CCSP 2007, DeAngelo et al. 2017, NRC 20157,8,9,10) and international analyses (e.g., Fawcett et al. 2015, Clarke et al. 201411,12). Also, this chapter does not assess the potential roles for carbon sinks (or storage) in mitigation, which are discussed in Chapter 5: Land Changes, and in the Second State of the Carbon Cycle Report.13 Further, it is beyond the scope of this chapter and this assessment to evaluate or recommend policy options.
USGCRP defines risk as threats to life, health and safety, the environment, economic well-being, and other things of value. Risks are often evaluated in terms of how likely they are to occur (probability) and the damages that would result if they did happen (consequences).
Both mitigation and adaptation responses to climate change are likely to occur as part of an iterative risk management strategy in which initial actions are modified over time as learning occurs (Ch. 28: Adaptation). This chapter focuses primarily on the early stages of this iterative process in which risks and vulnerabilities are identified and the potential climate impacts of emissions scenarios are assessed.
Current and future emissions, and thus emissions mitigation actions, are crucial for determining future risks and impacts. The scale of risks that can be avoided through mitigation actions is influenced by the magnitude of emissions reductions, the timing of those emissions reductions, and the relative mix of mitigation strategies for emissions of long-lived GHGs (namely, CO2), short-lived GHGs (such as methane), and land-based biologic carbon.1 Intentional removal of CO2 from the atmosphere, often referred to as negative emissions, or other climate interventions have also been proposed10,18 and may play a role in future mitigation strategies (see Box 29.3).
Net cumulative CO2 emissions in the industrial era will largely determine long-term global average temperature change9 and thus the risks and impacts associated with that change in the climate. Large reductions in present-day emissions of the long-lived GHGs are estimated to have modest temperature effects in the near term (over the next couple decades), but these emission reductions are necessary to achieve any long-term objective of preventing warming of any desired magnitude.9 Decisions that decrease or increase emissions over the next few decades will set into motion the degree of impacts that will likely last throughout the rest of this century, with some impacts (such as sea level rise) lasting for thousands of years or even longer.19,20,21
Meeting any climate stabilization goal, such as the oft-cited objective of limiting the long-term globally averaged temperature to 2°C (3.6°F) above preindustrial levels, necessitates that there be a physical upper limit on the cumulative amount of CO2 that can be added to the atmosphere.9 Early and substantial mitigation offers a greater chance for achieving a long-term goal, whereas delayed and potentially much steeper emissions reductions jeopardize achieving any long-term goal given uncertainties in the physical response of the climate system to changing atmospheric CO2, mitigation deployment uncertainties, and the potential for abrupt consequences.11,22,23 Early efforts also enable an iterative approach to risk management, allowing stakeholders to respond to what is learned over time about climate impacts and the effectiveness of available actions (Ch. 28: Adaptation).24,25,26 Evidence exists that early mitigation can reduce climate impacts in the nearer term (such as reducing the loss of perennial sea ice and effects on ice-dwelling species) and, in the longer term, prevent critical thresholds from being crossed (such as marine ice sheet instability and the resulting consequences for global sea level change).27,28,29,30
Actions are currently underway at global, national, and subnational scales to reduce GHG emissions. This section provides an overview of agreements, policies, and actions being taken at various levels.
The idea of limiting globally averaged warming to a specific value has long been examined in the scientific literature and, in turn, gained attention in policy discourse (see DeAngelo et al. 2017 for additional information9). Most recently, the Paris Agreement of 2015 took on the long-term aims of “holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels”.31 These targets were developed with the goal of avoiding the most severe climate impacts; however, they should not be viewed as thresholds below which there are zero risks and above which numerous tipping points occur (that is, a point at which a change in the climate triggers a significant environmental event, which may be permanent). In order to reach the Paris Agreement’s long-term temperature goal, Parties to the Agreement “aim to reach global peaking of GHG emissions as soon as possible . . . and to undertake rapid reductions thereafter.” Many countries announced voluntary, nonbinding GHG emissions reduction targets and related actions in the lead-up to the Paris meeting; these announcements addressed emissions through 2025 or 2030 and took a range of forms.31 The Paris Agreement has been ratified by 180 Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, which account for 88% of global GHG emissions.32,33
Achieving the Paris Agreement target of limiting global mean temperature to less than 2°C (3.6°F) above preindustrial levels requires substantial reductions in net global CO2 emissions prior to 2040 relative to present-day values and likely requires net CO2 emissions to become zero or possibly negative later in the century, relying on as-yet unproven technologies to remove CO2 from the atmosphere. To remain under this temperature threshold with two-thirds likelihood, future cumulative net CO2 emissions would need to be limited to approximately 230 gigatons of carbon (GtC), an amount that would be reached in roughly the next two decades assuming global emissions follow the range between the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios.9 Achieving global GHG emissions reduction targets and actions announced by governments in the lead-up to the 2015 Paris climate conference would hold open the possibility of meeting the 2°C (3.6°F) temperature goal, whereas there would be virtually no chance if net global emissions followed a pathway well above those implied by country announcements.9
In June 2017, the United States announced its intent to withdraw from the Paris Agreement.34 The statement is available online: The earliest effective date of formal withdrawal is November 4, 2020. Some state governments, local governments, and private-sector entities have announced pledges to reduce emissions in the context of long-term temperature aims consistent with those outlined in the Paris Agreement.35,36
Many activities within the public and private sectors either aim to or have the effect of reducing these emissions. Fossil fuel combustion accounts for 77% of the total U.S. GHG emissions (using the 100-year global warming potential), with agriculture, industrial processes, and methane from fossil fuel extraction and processing as well as waste accounting for the remainder.37 A 100-year global warming potential is an index measuring the radiative forcing following an emission of a unit mass of a given substance, accumulated over one hundred years, relative to that of the reference substance, CO2.38 At the federal level, a number of measures have been implemented to promote advanced, low-carbon energy technologies and fuels, including energy efficiency. Broadly considered, these measures include GHG regulations; other rules and regulations with climate co-benefits; codes and standards; research, development, and demonstration projects and programs; federal procurement practices; voluntary programs; and various subsidies (such as production and investment tax credits).14,39 Federal measures to address sources other than fossil fuel combustion include agriculture and forestry programs to increase soil and forest carbon sequestration and minimize losses through wildfire or other land-use processes, regulations to phase down hydrofluorocarbons, and standards for reducing methane emissions from fossil fuel extraction and processing.14 The Administration is currently reviewing many of these measures through the lens of Executive Order 13783, which aims to ease regulatory burdens on “the development or use of domestically produced energy resources, with particular attention to oil, natural gas, coal, and nuclear energy resources.”40
State, local, and tribal government mitigation approaches include comprehensive emissions reduction strategies as well as sector- and technology-specific policies designed for many reasons. As shown in Figure 29.1a, at least 455 cities support emissions reductions in the context of global efforts, including 110 with emissions reduction targets.36 At the state level, the color shown on each state indicates the total number of activities taken in that state across six policy areas: GHG target/cap/pricing; renewable/carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS)/nuclear; transportation; energy efficiency; non-CO2 GHG; and forestry and land use.36 Figure 29.1b shows the number of activities by policy area for each state. For example, states in the Northeast take part in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, a mandatory market-based effort to reduce power sector emissions.41 California has a legal mandate to reduce emissions 40% below 1990 levels by 2030, and in a 2017 law, the state extended its emissions trading program to 2030, as well. Several states have adopted voluntary pledges to reduce emissions. Technology-specific approaches include targets to increase the use of renewable energy such as wind and solar, zero- or low-emissions transportation options, and energy efficient technologies and practices.42,43 Many tribes are also prioritizing energy-efficiency and renewable-energy projects (Ch. 15: Tribes, KM 1).44 Mitigation activities related to methane and forestry/land-use activities are growing in number and vary by locale.
In the private sector, many companies seek to provide environmental benefits for a variety of reasons, including supporting environmental stewardship, responding to investor demands for prudent risk management, finding economic opportunities in efforts to reduce GHG emissions, and, in the case of multinationals, meeting mitigation mandates in the European Union or other jurisdictions. Since the last National Climate Assessment, private companies have increasingly taken inventory of their emissions and moved forward to implement science-based emissions reduction targets as well as internal carbon prices.36 The Carbon Disclosure Project46 is one example of a voluntary program where companies register their pledges to reduce GHG emissions and/or to manage their climate risks. Corporate purchases of and commitments to purchase renewable energy have increased over the last decade.47
Market forces and technological change, particularly within the electric power sector, have contributed to a decline in U.S. GHG emissions over the past decade. In 2016, U.S. emissions were at their lowest levels since 1994.37 Power sector emissions were 25% below 2005 levels in 2016, the largest sectoral reduction over this time.37 This decline was in large part due to increases in natural gas generation as well as renewable energy generation and energy efficiency (Ch. 4: Energy, KM 2).48 Given these changes in the power sector, the transportation sector currently has the largest annual sectoral emissions (Ch. 12: Transportation). As of the writing of this report, projections of U.S. fossil fuel CO2 and other GHG emissions show flat or declining trajectories over the next decade, with a central estimate of about 15%–20% below 2005 levels by 2025.49,50 Prior to the adoption of the Paris Agreement, the United States put forward a nonbinding “intended nationally determined contribution” of reducing emissions 26%–28% below 2005 levels in 2025. On June 1, 2017, President Trump announced that the United States would cease implementation of this nationally determined contribution. Some state and local governments, as well as private-sector entities, have announced emission reduction pledges which aim to be consistent with the nonbinding target.35,36 For more information on trends in, drivers of, and potential efforts to address U.S. GHG emissions, see the Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks.37
To understand how large-scale emissions mitigation can reduce climate impacts, it is useful to look at how the impacts change under various emissions scenarios. In recent years, the science and economics of estimating future climate change impacts have advanced substantially, with increasing emphasis on interdisciplinary approaches to investigate impacts, vulnerabilities, and responses.51,52,53 These advances have enabled several ongoing frontier research initiatives to improve understanding and quantification of climate impacts at various spatial scales ranging from global to local levels. This section describes findings for the United States from a selection of recent multisector coordinated modeling frameworks listed in Table 29.1, which are frequently cited throughout this chapter because each report provides modeling results across multiple sectors and scenarios similar to those developed for this report. These approaches commonly feature the use of internally consistent climate and socioeconomic scenarios and underlying assumptions across a variety of sectoral analyses. While research projecting physical and economic impacts in the United States has increased considerably since the Third National Climate Assessment (NCA3), it is important to note that this literature is incomplete in its coverage of the breadth of potential impacts.
Collaboration or Project Name | Host/Lead Organization and References | Sectors Covered | Coverage |
Benefits of Reduced Anthropogenic Climate change (BRACE) | National Center for Atmospheric Research (O’Neill et al. 2017)4 | Heat extremes and health, agriculture and land use, tropical cyclones, sea level rise, drought and conflict | Global |
Costs of Inaction and Resource scarcity: Consequences for Long-term Economic growth (CIRCLE) | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD 2015)55 | Tourism, agriculture, coastal, energy, extreme precipitation events, health | Global |
Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP) | Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (Huber et al. 2014)56 | Water, agriculture, biomes, infrastructure, health/malaria, fishery, permafrost | Global |
American Climate Prospectus (ACP) | Climate Impact Lab (Houser et al. 2015; Hsiang et al. 2017)3,5 | Agriculture, health, labor productivity, crime and conflict, coastal, energy | United States |
Climate Change Impacts and Risk Analysis (CIRA) | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA 2015, 2017)2,57 | More than 20 specific impacts categorized into 6 broad sectors: health (including labor productivity), infrastructure, electricity, water resources, agriculture, ecosystems | United States |
California Climate Change Assessments | State of California (Cayan et al. 2008, 2013; California Energy Commission 2006)58,59,60 | Public health, agriculture, energy, coastal, water resources, ecosystems, wildfire, recreation | State-Level |
Colorado Climate Change Vulnerability Study | Colorado Energy Office (Gordon and Ojima 2015)61 | Ecosystems, water, agriculture, energy, transportation, recreation and tourism, public health | State-Level |
New York ClimAID Project | New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (Rosenzweig et al. 2011; Horton et al. 2014)62,63 | Water resources, coastal zones, ecosystems, agriculture, energy, transportation, telecommunications, public health | State-Level |
Climate change is projected to significantly affect human health, the economy, and the environment in the United States, particularly in futures with high GHG emissions, such as RCP8.5, and under scenarios with limited or no adaptation (for more on RCPs, see the Scenario Products section of App. 3).64 Recent findings from multisector modeling frameworks demonstrate substantial and far-reaching changes over the course of the 21st century—and particularly towards the end of the century—with negative consequences for a large majority of sectors. Moreover, the impacts and costs of climate change are already being felt in the United States, and recent extreme weather and climate-related events can now be attributed with increasingly higher confidence to human-caused warming.65 Impacts associated with human health, such as premature mortality due to extreme temperature and poor air quality, are commonly some of the most economically substantial (Ch. 13: Air Quality; Ch. 14: Human Health).2,3,4,5 While many sectors face large economic risks from climate change, other impacts can have significant implications for societal or cultural resources.66,67 Further, some impacts will very likely be irreversible for thousands of years, including those to species, such as corals (Ch. 9: Oceans; Ch. 27: Hawaiʻi & Pacific Islands1,2,68), or those that involve the exceedance of thresholds, such as the effects of ice sheet disintegration on accelerated sea level rise, leading to widespread effects on coastal development lasting thousands of years.69,70,71 Figure 29.2 shows that climate change is projected to cause damage across nearly all of the sectors analyzed. The conclusion that climate change is projected to result in adverse impacts across most sectors is consistently found in U.S.-focused multisector impact analyses.2,3,4,5 For sectors where positive effects are observed in some regions or for specific time periods (for example, reduced mortality from extreme cold temperatures or beneficial effects on crop yields), the effects are typically dwarfed by changes happening overall within the sector or at broader scales (for example, comparatively larger increases in mortality from extreme heat or many more crops experiencing adverse effects).2,3,4,5
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Many climate change impacts in the United States can be substantially reduced over the course of the 21st century through global-scale reductions in GHG emissions (Figure 29.2). While the difference in climate impact outcomes between different scenarios is more modest through the first half of the century,6 the effect of mitigation in avoiding climate change impacts typically becomes clear by 2050 and increases substantially in magnitude thereafter.2,3,4 For some sectors, this creates large projected benefits of mitigation. For example, by the end of the century, reduced climate change under a lower scenario (RCP4.5) compared to a higher one (RCP8.5) avoids (overall) thousands to tens of thousands of deaths per year from extreme temperatures (Ch. 14: Human Health),2,3,5 hundreds to thousands of deaths per year from poor air quality (Ch. 13: Air Quality),2,72 and the annual loss of hundreds of millions of labor hours from extreme temperatures.2,3 When monetized, each of these avoided health impacts represents domestic economic benefits of mitigation on the order of tens to hundreds of billions of dollars per year.2,3,73 For example, Figure 29.2 shows that reduced emissions under RCP4.5 can avoid approximately 48% (or $75 billion) of the $155 billion in lost wages per year by 2090 due to the effects of extreme temperature on labor (for example, outdoor industries reducing total labor hours during heat waves). Looking at the economy as a whole, mitigation can substantially reduce damages while also narrowing the uncertainty in potential adverse impacts (Figure 29.3).
Many impacts have significant societal or cultural values, such as impacts to freshwater recreational fishing. However, estimating the full value of these changes remains a challenge. Recent studies highlight that climate change can disproportionately affect socially vulnerable communities, with mitigation providing substantial risk reduction for these populations.3,74,75,76 Some analyses also suggest that findings are sensitive to assumptions regarding adaptive capacity and socioeconomic change.5,71,77 In general, studies find that reduced damages due to mitigation also reduce the potential level of adaptation needed.2,78 As for socioeconomic change, increasing population growth can compound the damages occurring from climate change.4,79 Some studies have shown that impacts can be more sensitive to demographic and economic conditions than to the differences in future climates between the scenarios.80 See the Scenario Products section of Appendix 3 for more detail on population and land-use scenarios developed for the Fourth National Climate Assessment (NCA4).
For other sectors, such as impacts to coastal development, the effect of mitigation emerges more toward the end of the century due to lags in the response of ice sheets and oceans to warming (Ch. 8: Coastal).81 This results in smaller relative reductions in risk. For example, while annual damages to coastal property from sea level rise and storm surge, assuming no adaptation, are projected to range in the tens to hundreds of billions of dollars by the end of the century under RCP8.5, mitigation under RCP4.5 is projected to avoid less than a quarter of these damages.2,5,82 However, the avoided impacts beyond 2100 are likely to be larger based on projected trajectories of sea level change.19,20,27
The marginal benefit, equivalently the avoided damages, of mitigation can be expressed as the social cost of carbon (SCC). The SCC is a monetized estimate of the long-term climate damages to society from an additional amount of CO2 emitted and includes impacts that accrue in market sectors such as agriculture, energy services, and coastal resources, as well as nonmarket impacts on human health and ecosystems.84,85 This metric is used to inform climate risk management decisions at national, state, and corporate levels.86,87,88,89,90 Notably, estimating the SCC depends on normative social values such as time preference, risk aversion, and equity considerations that can lead to a range of values. In recognition of the ongoing examination about existing approaches to estimating the SCC,91,92,93 a National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine report94 recommended various improvements to SCC models, including that they 1) be consistent with the current state of scientific knowledge, 2) characterize and quantify key uncertainties, and 3) be clearly documented and reproducible.
Although uncertainties still remain, advancements in climate impacts and economics modeling are increasingly providing new capabilities to quantify future societal effects of climate change. A growing body of studies use and assess statistical relationships between observed socioeconomic outcomes and weather or climate variables to estimate the impacts of climate change (e.g., Müller et al. 2017, Hsiang et al. 20173,95). In the United States, in particular, the rise of big data (large volumes of data brought about via the digital age) and advanced computational power offer potential improvements to study climate impacts in many sectors like agriculture, energy, and health, including previously omitted sectors such as crime, conflict, political turnover, and labor productivity. Parallel advancements in high-resolution integrated assessment models (those that jointly simulate changes in physical and socioeconomic systems), as well as process-based sectoral models (those with detailed representations of changes in a single sector), enable impact projections with increased regional specificity, which across the modeling frameworks shown in Table 29.1 reveal complex spatial patterns of impacts for many sectors. For example, this spatial variability is consistently observed in the agriculture sector,2,5,96,97 where the large number of domestic crops and growing regions respond to changes in climate and atmospheric CO2 concentrations in differing ways. As such, the benefits of mitigation for agriculture can vary substantially across regions of the United States and summing regional results into national estimates can obscure important effects at the local level.
The reduction of climate change risk due to mitigation also depends on assumptions about how adaptation changes the exposure and vulnerability of the population (Ch. 28: Adaptation). For example, recent studies have found that adaptation can substantially reduce climate damages in a number of sectors in both the higher (RCP8.5) and lower (RCP4.5) scenarios.2,5 Damages to infrastructure, such as road and rail networks, are particularly sensitive to adaptation assumptions, with proactive measures (such as planned maintenance and repairs that account for future climate risks) estimated to be able to reduce damages by large fractions. More than half of damages to coastal property are estimated to be avoidable through well-timed adaptation measures, such as shoreline protection and beach replenishment.2,5,196 In the health sector, accounting for possible physiological adaptation (acclimatization) to higher temperatures and for increased air conditioning use reduced estimated mortality by half,2,5 a finding supported by other analyses of mortality from extreme heat.99,100 However, adaptation can require large up-front costs and long-term commitments for maintenance (Ch. 28: Adaptation), and uncertainty exists in some sectors regarding the applicability and effectiveness of adaptation in reducing risk.101
Broadly, quantifying the potential effect of adaptation on impacts remains a research challenge (see the “Direction for Future Research” section)(see also Ch. 17: Complex Systems).102 Because society is already committed to a certain amount of future climate change due to past and present emissions and because mitigation activities cannot avoid all climate-related risks, mitigation and adaptation activities can be considered complementary strategies.196,103,104,105
Adaptation and mitigation strategies can also interact, with the potential for benefits and/or adverse consequences.106 An iterative risk-management approach for assessing and modifying these strategies as experience is gained can be advantageous (Ch. 28: Adaptation). Benefits occur when mitigation strategies make adaptation easier (or vice versa). For example, by reducing climate change and its subsequent effects on the water cycle, mitigation has been projected to reduce water shortages in most river basins of the United States, making adaptation to hydrologic impacts more manageable.107 Also, carbon sequestration through reforestation and/or other protective measures can promote forest ecosystem services (including reduced flood risk), provide habitat for otherwise vulnerable species, or abate urban heat islands. Carbon sequestration measures in agriculture can reduce erosion and runoff, reducing vulnerability to extreme precipitation. Agricultural adaptation strategies that increase yields (such as altering crop varieties, irrigation practices, and fertilizer application), particularly in already high-yielding regions including North America, can have mitigation benefits (Ch. 10: Ag & Rural).108 First, higher productivity lessens the need for clearing new land for production, thereby reducing associated emissions.109 Second, these strategies counteract yield losses due to climate change,2,110,111 which could enhance the ability to produce bioenergy crops or make additional land available for carbon sequestration.
In buildings and industrial facilities, adaptation measures such as investments in energy efficiency (for example, through efficient building materials) would reduce building energy demand (and therefore emissions), as well as lessen the impacts of extreme heat events.112,113
Adaptation and mitigation can also interact negatively. For example, if mitigation strategies include large-scale use of bioenergy crops to produce low-carbon energy, higher irrigation demand can lead to an increase in water stress that more than offsets the benefits of lessened climate change.114 Similarly, mitigation approaches such as afforestation (the establishment of a forest where no previous tree cover existed) and concentrated solar power would increase demand for water and land.115 Likewise, some adaptation measures such as irrigation, desalination, and air conditioning are energy intensive and would lead to increased emissions or create greater demands for clean energy. Higher air conditioning demands are projected to increase annual average and peak demands for electricity, putting added stress on an electrical grid that is already vulnerable to the effects of climate change (Ch. 4: Energy, KM 1).2,116,117 Meeting these higher demands becomes more challenging as higher temperatures reduce the peak capacity of thermal generation technologies and lower peak transmission capacity.118 In addition, complications are expected to arise when climate change impacts occur simultaneously and undermine adaptation measures, such as when a severe storm disrupts power over an extended time of intense heat, which can nullify the benefits of air conditioning adaptation.
Multisector impacts modeling frameworks can systematically address specific mitigation and adaptation research needs of the users of the National Climate Assessment. Improved coordination amongst multidisciplinary impact modeling teams could be very effective in informing future climate assessments.
The recent multisector impacts modeling frameworks described above have demonstrated several key advantages for producing policy-relevant information regarding the potential for mitigation to reduce climate change impacts. First, the use of internally consistent scenarios and assumptions in quantifying a broad range of impacts produces comparable estimates across sectors, regions, and time. Second, these frameworks can simulate specific mitigation and adaptation scenarios to investigate the multisector effectiveness of these actions in reducing risk over time. Third, these frameworks can be designed to systematically account for key dimensions of uncertainty along the causal chain—a difficult task when assessing uncoordinated studies from the literature, each with its own choices of scenarios and assumptions.
While not an exact analog to this chapter, the Third National Climate Assessment (NCA3)140 included a Research Needs chapter as part of the Response Strategies section that recommended five research goals: 1) improve understanding of the climate system and its drivers, 2) improve understanding of climate impacts and vulnerability, 3) increase understanding of adaptation pathways, 4) identify the mitigation options that reduce the risk of longer-term climate change, and 5) improve decision support and integrated assessment.141 Several of these topics have seen substantial advancements since publication of NCA3, informing our understanding of avoided climate risks. For example, research findings related to climate system drivers and the characterization of uncertainty have helped to differentiate the physical and economic outcomes along alternative mitigation pathways.3,20,30 Enormous growth in impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability (IAV) research has enabled more robust quantification of the relative impacts (avoided damages) corresponding to different climate outcomes. However, challenges remain in accounting for the reduced risks and impacts associated with nonlinearities in the climate system, including tipping points such as destabilization of the West Antarctic ice sheet or rapid methane release from thawing permafrost.22,98,142,143 Mitigation options continue to be studied to better understand their potential role in meeting different climate targets, and while many low-emitting or renewable technologies have seen rapid penetration, other strategies involving negative-emissions technologies have prompted caution due to the challenges of achieving widespread deployment at low cost. Adaptation pathways are better understood but continue to be a source of uncertainty related to understanding climate risk and local adaptation decision-making processes. Decision support for climate risk management, especially under uncertainty, is an area of active research,144,145 and despite the limitations of integrated assessment models,146,147 they offer useful insights for decision-makers.148
Despite ongoing progress, this assessment finds that significant knowledge gaps remain in many of the research goals and foundational crosscutting capabilities identified in NCA3. Going forward, it will be critically important to reduce uncertainties under different mitigation scenarios in 1) avoided sectoral impacts, such as agriculture and health, and 2) the capacity for adaptation to reduce impacts. Gaps in information on social vulnerability and exposure continue to hamper progress on disaster risk reduction associated with climate impacts.51 Directions for future research in the climate science and impacts field include improved understanding of the avoided/increased risk of thresholds, tipping points, or irreversible outcomes (see Kopp et al. 201722). Specific examples deserving further study include marine ice sheet instability and transformation of specific terrestrial carbon sinks into sources of greenhouse gas emissions.149,150
Gaps remain in quantifying combined impacts and natural feedbacks. For example, coral reef health includes combined stress/relief from changes in local activities (for example, agricultural and other nutrient runoff and fishery management), ocean acidification, ocean temperature, and the ability of coral species to adapt to changing conditions or repeated extreme events.151,152 Additional knowledge gaps include an understanding of how mitigation and adaptation actions affect climate outcomes due to interactions in the coupled human–earth system.142,153
Interdisciplinary collaboration can play a critical role in addressing these knowledge gaps (such as coordinating a research plan across physical, natural, and social sciences).52,154 Combining advances in scientific understanding of the climate system with scenarios to explore socioeconomic responses is expected to lead to an improved understanding of the coupled human–earth system that can better support effective adaptation and mitigation responses. Barriers to implementation arise from data limits (for example, the need for long-term observational records), as well as computational limits that increase model uncertainties.53
The scope for this chapter was determined by the federal Fourth National Climate Assessment (NCA4) Steering Committee, which is made up of representatives from the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) member agencies (see App. 1: Process for more information regarding the Steering Committee). The scope was also informed by research needs identified in the Third National Climate Assessment (NCA3) and in subsequent gap analyses.155 Prospective authors were nominated by their respective agency, university, organization, or peers. All prospective authors were interviewed with respect to their qualifications and expertise. Authors were selected to represent the diverse perspectives relevant to mitigation, with the final team providing perspectives from federal and state agencies, nonfederal climate research organizations, and the private sector. The author team sought public input on the chapter scope and outline through a webinar and during presentations at conferences and workshops.
The chapter was developed through technical discussions of relevant evidence and expert deliberation by the report authors during extensive teleconferences, workshops, and email exchanges. These discussions were informed by the results of a comprehensive literature review, including the research focused on estimating the avoided or reduced risks of climate change. The authors considered inputs submitted by the public, stakeholders, and federal agencies and improved the chapter based on rounds of review by the public, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, and federal agencies. The author team also engaged in targeted consultations during multiple exchanges with contributing authors from other chapters of this assessment, as well as authors of the Climate Science Special Report (CSSR). For additional information on the overall report process, see Appendix 1: Process.