Water is the lifeblood of the Northern Great Plains, and effective water management is critical to the region’s people, crops and livestock, ecosystems, and energy industry. Even small changes in annual precipitation can have large effects downstream; when coupled with the variability from extreme events, these changes make managing these resources a challenge. Future changes in precipitation patterns, warmer temperatures, and the potential for more extreme rainfall events are very likely to exacerbate these challenges.
Agriculture is an integral component of the economy, the history, and the culture of the Northern Great Plains. Recently, agriculture has benefited from longer growing seasons and other recent climatic changes. Some additional production and conservation benefits are expected in the next two to three decades as land managers employ innovative adaptation strategies, but rising temperatures and changes in extreme weather events are very likely to have negative impacts on parts of the region. Adaptation to extremes and to longer-term, persistent climate changes will likely require transformative changes in agricultural management, including regional shifts of agricultural practices and enterprises.
Ecosystems across the Northern Great Plains provide recreational opportunities and other valuable goods and services that are at risk in a changing climate. Rising temperatures have already resulted in shorter snow seasons, lower summer streamflows, and higher stream temperatures and have negatively affected high-elevation ecosystems and riparian areas, with important consequences for local economies that depend on winter or river-based recreational activities. Climate-induced land-use changes in agriculture can have cascading effects on closely entwined natural ecosystems, such as wetlands, and the diverse species and recreational amenities they support. Federal, tribal, state, and private organizations are undertaking preparedness and adaptation activities, such as scenario planning, transboundary collaboration, and development of market-based tools.
Fossil fuel and renewable energy production and distribution infrastructure is expanding within the Northern Great Plains. Climate change and extreme weather events put this infrastructure at risk, as well as the supply of energy it contributes to support individuals, communities, and the U.S. economy as a whole. The energy sector is also a significant source of greenhouse gases and volatile organic compounds that contribute to climate change and ground-level ozone pollution.
Indigenous peoples of the Northern Great Plains are at high risk from a variety of climate change impacts, especially those resulting from hydrological changes, including changes in snowpack, seasonality and timing of precipitation events, and extreme flooding and droughts as well as melting glaciers and reduction in streamflows. These changes are already resulting in harmful impacts to tribal economies, livelihoods, and sacred waters and plants used for ceremonies, medicine, and subsistence. At the same time, many tribes have been very proactive in adaptation and strategic climate change planning.
Water is the lifeblood of the Northern Great Plains, and effective water management is critical to the region’s people, crops and livestock, ecosystems, and energy industry. Even small changes in annual precipitation can have large effects downstream; when coupled with the variability from extreme events, these changes make managing these resources a challenge. Future changes in precipitation patterns, warmer temperatures, and the potential for more extreme rainfall events are very likely to exacerbate these challenges.
Agriculture is an integral component of the economy, the history, and the culture of the Northern Great Plains. Recently, agriculture has benefited from longer growing seasons and other recent climatic changes. Some additional production and conservation benefits are expected in the next two to three decades as land managers employ innovative adaptation strategies, but rising temperatures and changes in extreme weather events are very likely to have negative impacts on parts of the region. Adaptation to extremes and to longer-term, persistent climate changes will likely require transformative changes in agricultural management, including regional shifts of agricultural practices and enterprises.
Ecosystems across the Northern Great Plains provide recreational opportunities and other valuable goods and services that are at risk in a changing climate. Rising temperatures have already resulted in shorter snow seasons, lower summer streamflows, and higher stream temperatures and have negatively affected high-elevation ecosystems and riparian areas, with important consequences for local economies that depend on winter or river-based recreational activities. Climate-induced land-use changes in agriculture can have cascading effects on closely entwined natural ecosystems, such as wetlands, and the diverse species and recreational amenities they support. Federal, tribal, state, and private organizations are undertaking preparedness and adaptation activities, such as scenario planning, transboundary collaboration, and development of market-based tools.
Fossil fuel and renewable energy production and distribution infrastructure is expanding within the Northern Great Plains. Climate change and extreme weather events put this infrastructure at risk, as well as the supply of energy it contributes to support individuals, communities, and the U.S. economy as a whole. The energy sector is also a significant source of greenhouse gases and volatile organic compounds that contribute to climate change and ground-level ozone pollution.
Indigenous peoples of the Northern Great Plains are at high risk from a variety of climate change impacts, especially those resulting from hydrological changes, including changes in snowpack, seasonality and timing of precipitation events, and extreme flooding and droughts as well as melting glaciers and reduction in streamflows. These changes are already resulting in harmful impacts to tribal economies, livelihoods, and sacred waters and plants used for ceremonies, medicine, and subsistence. At the same time, many tribes have been very proactive in adaptation and strategic climate change planning.
Virtually Certain | Extremely Likely | Very Likely | Likely | About as Likely as Not | Unlikely | Very Unikely | Extremely Unlikely | Exceptionally Unlikely |
99%–100% | 95%–100% | 90%–100% | 66%-100% | 33%-66% | 0%-33% | 0%-10% | 0%-5% | 0%-1% |
Very High | High | Medium | Low |
Strong evidence (established theory, multiple sources, consistent results, well documented and accepted methods, etc.), high consensus | Moderate evidence (several sources, some consistency, methods vary and/or documentation limited, etc.), medium consensus | Suggestive evidence (a few sources, limited consistency, models incomplete, methods emerging, etc.), competing schools of thought | Inconclusive evidence (limited sources, extrapolations, inconsistent findings, poor documentation and/or methods not tested, etc.), disagreement or lack of opinions among experts |
Documenting Uncertainty: This assessment relies on two metrics to communicate the degree of certainty in Key Findings. See Guide to this Report for more on assessments of likelihood and confidence.
In the Northern Great Plains, the timing and quantity of both precipitation and runoff have important consequences for water supplies, agricultural activities, and energy production. Overall, climate projections suggest that the number of heavy precipitation events (events with greater than 1 inch per day of rainfall) is projected to increase. Moving forward, the magnitude of year-to-year variability overshadows the small projected average decrease in streamflow. Changes in extreme events are likely to overwhelm average changes in both the eastern and western regions of the Northern Great Plains. Major flooding across the basin in 2011 was followed by severe drought in 2012, representing new and unprecedented variability that is likely to become more common in a warmer world.
The Northern Great Plains region plays a critical role in national food security. Among other anticipated changes, projected warmer and generally wetter conditions with elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations are expected to increase the abundance and competitive ability of weeds and invasive species,1,2 increase livestock production and efficiency of production,3 and result in longer growing seasons at mid- and high latitudes.4,5 Net primary productivity, including crop yields6 and forage production,7,8 is also likely to increase, although an increasing number of extreme temperature events during critical pollination and grain fill periods is likely to reduce crop yields.9
Ecosystems across the Northern Great Plains provide recreational opportunities and other valuable goods and services that are ingrained in the region’s cultures. Higher temperatures, reduced snow cover, and more variable precipitation will make it increasingly challenging to manage the region’s valuable wetlands, rivers, and snow-dependent ecosystems. In the mountains of western Wyoming and western Montana, the fraction of total water in precipitation that falls as snow is expected to decline by 25% to 40% by 2100 under a higher scenario (RCP8.5),10 which would negatively affect the region’s winter recreation industry.11 At lower-elevation areas of the Northern Great Plains, climate-induced land-use changes in agriculture can have cascading effects on closely entwined natural ecosystems, such as wetlands,12 and the diverse species and recreational opportunities they support.
Energy resources in the Northern Great Plains include abundant crude oil, natural gas, coal, wind, and stored water, and to a lesser extent, corn-based ethanol, solar energy, and uranium. The infrastructure associated with the extraction, distribution, and energy produced from these resources is vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Railroads and pipelines are vulnerable to damage or disruption from increasing heavy precipitation events and associated flooding and erosion.13 Declining water availability in the summer would likely increase costs for oil production operations, which require freshwater resources.13 These cost increases will either lead to lower production or be passed on to consumers. Finally, higher maximum temperatures, longer and more severe heat waves, and higher overnight lows are expected to increase electricity demand for cooling in the summer, further stressing the power grid.13
Indigenous peoples in the region are observing changes to climate, many of which are impacting livelihoods as well as traditional subsistence and wild foods, wildlife, plants and water for ceremonies, medicines, and health and well-being.14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26 Because some tribes and Indigenous peoples are among those in the region with the highest rates of poverty and unemployment, and because many are still directly reliant on natural resources, they are among the most at risk to climate change (e.g., Gamble et al. 2016, Cozzetto et al. 2013, Espey et al. 2014, Wong et al. 2014, Kornfeld 2016, Paul and Caplins 2016, Maynard 2014, USGCRP 201718,24,25,27,28,29,30,31).
<b>Conant</b>, R.T., D. Kluck, M. Anderson, A. Badger, B.M. Boustead, J. Derner, L. Farris, M. Hayes, B. Livneh, S. McNeeley, D. Peck, M. Shulski, and V. Small, 2018: Northern Great Plains. In <i>Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the United States: Fourth National Climate Assessment, Volume II</i> [Reidmiller, D.R., C.W. Avery, D.R. Easterling, K.E. Kunkel, K.L.M. Lewis, T.K. Maycock, and B.C. Stewart (eds.)]. U.S. Global Change Research Program, Washington, DC, USA, pp. 941–986. doi: 10.7930/NCA4.2018.CH22
The Northern Great Plains has three distinct regional geographic features associated with a strong east-to-west gradient of decreasing precipitation and a stark rise in elevation at the montane western boundary. The eastern edge of the region includes a humid-continental climate and the Red River Valley, where the capacity to store water is often exceeded, leading to extensive flooding. A large swath of the central Northern Great Plains falls within the Upper Missouri River Basin. Much of this basin is arid to semiarid, and because temperatures and rates of evapotranspiration (the evaporation of water from the soil and transpiration from plants) are so high, only 9% of precipitation ultimately reaches the Missouri River as runoff. For comparison, other basins in the United States yield more than 40% runoff. In the mountainous far western part of the region, including central and western Wyoming and Montana, water dynamics are driven by large seasonal snowpack that accumulates in winter and early spring and provides critical resources for non-montane areas through runoff during the warm season.
Click dots on the map for examples.
These intraregional gradients in precipitation, temperature, and water availability drive east–west differences in land use and climate. The eastern portion of the region is characterized by rainfed row crop agriculture and is often subject to flooding. For example, Devils Lake in North Dakota is a closed basin, meaning that it has no natural outflows. The basin is often so full that it is prone to flooding the communities around it. Separately, the irrigated cropland and grazing lands in the central portion of the Northern Great Plains are critical for U.S. livestock production, yet the arid to semiarid climate is highly variable from year to year, which makes it difficult to manage agriculture, recreation, and cultural resources. The western portion of the region is devoted primarily to native ecosystems used for grazing and recreation, but dryland cropping is also important, and forestry is important in the far-western edge of the region. Coal, oil, and natural gas are produced throughout the Northern Great Plains.
The highly variable climate of the Northern Great Plains poses challenges for the sustainable use of water, land, and energy resources by competing urban, suburban, rural, and tribal populations. Climate change is expected to exacerbate those challenges, which include 1) effectively managing both overabundant and scarce water resources, 2) supporting adaptation of sustainable agricultural systems, 3) fostering conservation of ecosystems and cultural and recreational amenities, 4) minimizing risk to energy infrastructure that is vulnerable to climate change and extreme weather events, and 5) mitigating climate impacts to vulnerable populations.
Diverse land uses across the region are overlain with a quilt work of private, state, federal, tribal, and other land ownership. Many of these institutions foster adaptation to existing climatic variability (Figure 22.1). For example, the Missouri Headwaters Drought Resilience Demonstration Project was launched in July 2014 to demonstrate how federal, state, and local stakeholders can work together to build long-term drought resilience. The project leverages federal and state resources and engages communities in the development and implementation of local watershed drought resilience plans and activities. Led by the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, more than 10 federal agencies, 20 watershed groups, and 14 nongovernmental organizations are contributing to the project (see Missouri Headwaters Drought Resilience Demonstration Project 201532). It is a replicable model that is producing concrete, on-the-ground results, including tools for drought monitoring, assessment, and forecasting. In another example, Nebraska completed a statewide climate change assessment report in 2014.33 Officials were then able to use this report to convene eight sector-based roundtable discussions in 2015, engaging more than 350 people, to identify a suite of key issues, strategies, and next steps to help develop a statewide climate change action plan.34
Water is the lifeblood of the Northern Great Plains, and effective water management is critical to the region’s people, crops and livestock, ecosystems, and energy industry. Even small changes in annual precipitation can have large effects downstream; when coupled with the variability from extreme events, these changes make managing these resources a challenge. Future changes in precipitation patterns, warmer temperatures, and the potential for more extreme rainfall events are very likely to exacerbate these challenges.
Streamflow in the Northern Great Plains is driven by a number of factors. Because the Northern Great Plains is so far from the coasts and the modulating effect of the oceans, the regional climate system is prone to dramatic climate variability. The Upper Missouri River Basin (the region’s primary surface water feature spanning all five states) is very sensitive to climatic fluctuations, resulting in extreme drought or flooding events roughly every decade over the past century.35 The timing and quantity of both precipitation and runoff have important consequences for water supplies, agricultural activities, and energy production. Parts of the region are among the most arid in the Nation—for example, less than 10% of regional precipitation reaches streams and the Missouri River36—so relatively small changes in annual precipitation can produce large changes in runoff. High evaporation rates result in lower soil moisture and streamflow in the region relative to more humid parts of the country. Trends in annual runoff across the region over the past 50 years show a distinct east–west difference where the western portions show a decrease and eastern areas show an increase.37 Soil moisture and snowpack have a major impact on streamflow, and as a result of these factors combined with variability in precipitation, the amount of annual streamflow can vary by as much as a factor of three from year to year.35 In the western montane portion of the region, 39 glaciers contribute to streamflows through their seasonal melt process. These glaciers are experiencing sustained loss,38 and, like global glacier losses over recent decades, local glacier losses are attributable to higher temperatures.39,40 Glacier flows are critically important for local watersheds and ecosystems; however, their contribution to the entire Upper Missouri River Basin is very small. High variability in the proportion of precipitation that reaches streams in a given year, coupled with a relatively high frequency of extreme events (for example, heavy rainfall events and droughts), makes managing climate change impacts on water resources challenging. Major flooding across the basin in 2011 was followed by severe drought in 2012, representing new and unprecedented variability that is likely to become more common in a warmer world.
Given the losses in important snowpack water storage, reservoirs and groundwater represent critical buffers to climate impacts, since they have large storage capacity that can be filled during wet periods and withdrawn during dry periods. Evaporation rates exceed 100% of precipitation in some cases,41 which results in a deficit of surface water and thus reliance upon groundwater. Groundwater and aquifer recharge rates42 are relatively high in the region (including parts of Wyoming, South Dakota, Montana, and Nebraska) and seem sustainable given current rates of groundwater extraction.
Climate model projections paint a clear picture of a warmer future in the Northern Great Plains, with conditions becoming consistently warmer in two to three decades and temperatures rising steadily towards the middle of the century, irrespective of the scenario selected (Figure 22.2). This warming is projected to occur in conjunction with less snowpack and a mix of increases and reductions in the average annual water availability (Figure 22.3). Precipitation and streamflow projections show only modest changes, but many areas within the region are already subject to a high degree of year-to-year variability—both wet and dry years. Low-probability, but high-severity and high-impact, events are the result of large variability, including both extreme flood events like in 2011 and drought events like in 2012. This interannual variability implies greater uncertainty about future climate and about the potential for future flooding and drought.
An important takeaway is that the magnitude of variability overshadows the small projected decrease in average streamflow.35 Changes in extreme events are likely to overwhelm average changes in both the eastern and western regions of the Northern Great Plains (Figure 22.2). Overall, climate models project an increase in the number of heavy precipitation events (events with greater than 1 inch per day) for much of the region, with the exception of the high-mountain areas in the southwestern portion. Societal risk increases any time natural conditions differ greatly from historical conditions,43 with larger changes representing greater risks. Therefore, any large projected changes will require rethinking infrastructure design and operation. The probability for more very hot days (days with maximum temperatures above 90°F; Figure 22.2) is expected to increase, with potential impacts on agriculture, energy production, human health, streamflows, snowmelt, and fires. There are projected to be many fewer cool days (days with minimum temperatures less than 28°F, an indicator of damaging frost; Figure 22.2), with decreases of 30 days or more per year by mid-century. These changes would have important implications for the region’s snowpack and consequently streamflow and water use.
Reservoir and groundwater storage are expected to be increasingly important as buffers against the impacts of increasing variability and to meet water demands during periods of shortage, especially in light of warming-driven losses in snowpack water and higher evapotranspiration rates, which reduce the total amount of water availability. It may be possible to move water between basins to alleviate flooding impacts, but this raises a new set of challenging hydrological and environmental issues. Future activities that increase water demand (population growth, expansion, or alteration of agriculture) will increase dependence on reservoir capacity and infrastructure integrity.
Agriculture is an integral component of the economy, the history, and the culture of the Northern Great Plains. Recently, agriculture has benefited from longer growing seasons and other recent climatic changes. Some additional production and conservation benefits are expected in the next two to three decades as land managers employ innovative adaptation strategies, but rising temperatures and changes in extreme weather events are very likely to have negative impacts on parts of the region. Adaptation to extremes and to longer-term, persistent climate changes will likely require transformative changes in agricultural management, including regional shifts of agricultural practices and enterprises.
The Northern Great Plains region plays an important role in U.S. food security (see Tables 22.1 and 22.2), and agriculture has been integral to the history and development of the region. Agricultural uses in the region are diverse, including the largest remaining tracts of native rangeland in North America, substantial areas of both dryland and irrigated cropland and pasture, and mosaics of cropland and grazed grassland and forested lands. This region is home to 7.2% of U.S. farms (152,663) but 23.8% of the U.S. land in farms, encompassing 218 million acres with 22.4% of the total cropland, 21.9% of irrigated lands, 29.3% of U.S. pasture and rangeland, and nearly one-third (30.1%) of lands in conservation/wetland reserve programs.44 Livestock production (beef and dairy cattle and hogs) is dominant in the region. Important crops include corn, soybeans, wheat, barley, alfalfa, hay, and a diversity of other crops such as potatoes, sugar beets, dry beans, sunflowers, millet, canola, and barley (see Tables 22.1 and 22.2).44 The Northern Great Plains region contributes 12.7% of the market value of agricultural products sold in the United States despite having only 1.5% of the U.S. population.
Table 22.1: Percent of National Total Livestock Animals in the Northern Great Plains (2012)
Beef cows
Hogs and pigs
Sheep and lambs
Milk cows
Egg layers
% of National Total
Corn for grain (bu) | Corn for silage/greenchop (tons) | Wheat for grain (bu) | Spring wheat (bu) | Durum wheat (bu) | Oats for grain (bu) | |
% of National Total | 20.2% | 11.5% | 30.4% | 70.6% | 72.2% | 20.3% |
Barley (bu) | Soybeans (bu) | Dry edible beans and lentils (cwt) | Forage (tons) | Sunflower seed (pounds) | Sugarbeets (tons) | |
% of National Total | 48.4% | 16.3% | 48.6% | 13.8% | 83.6% | 27.2% |
Extensive precipitation and temperature gradients and inherently high climatic variability, both within and between years, result in highly variable conditions for agricultural enterprises in the Northern Great Plains. The region receives the majority of its precipitation during the spring months (April, May, and June), with a high degree of year-to-year variability.45 A mix of private, state, federal, tribal, and other land ownership across the region promotes heterogeneity at landscape-to-regional scales, which enhances the provision of numerous ecosystem goods and services, such as wildlife habitat, including for pollinators.
The Northern Great Plains is currently experiencing a marked transition in agricultural land use involving the conversion of grassland to annual crops46,47 and an increased prevalence of monoculture cropping.48 From peak enrollment in the Conservation Reserve Program (10 million acres in 2007), enrollment declined by half by 2017, with the majority of these lands returning to cropland (60%), thereby losing ecosystem service benefits such as wildlife habitat and improved water and soil quality.49 Changing land use in the eastern part of this region is an outcome of trends of above-average precipitation over the last 10–20 years, with some of those precipitation trends having been driven by expansion of agricultural land use.50 In the western part of the region, genetic developments in crop cultivars and varieties that enhance suitability of drier land for crop production have led to expansion of dryland cropping.
Despite a long history of high year-to-year variability,45 producers are experiencing a changing climate and increasing weather variability and extreme conditions that are outside the ranges they have dealt with in the past.51 Producers’ daily and annual decision-making depends on market conditions for seeds and products, agronomic constraints, and climate change-related variables.52 The decision-making process is challenged by a lack of experience with analogous climatic conditions in the past, thus increasing risks for land managers. This dependence on historical experience highlights the importance of the human element in the resilience of social–ecological systems, which have traditionally been viewed from the biophysical perspective.53
Temperature increases of 2°–4°F projected by 2050 for the Northern Great Plains under the lower scenario (RCP4.5) are expected to result in an increase in the occurrence of both drought and heat waves; these projected trends would be greater under the higher scenario (RCP8.5). The amount, distribution, and variability of annual precipitation in the Northern Great Plains are anticipated to change, with increases in winter and spring precipitation of 10%–30% by the end of this century and a decrease in the amount of precipitation falling as snow under a higher scenario (RCP8.5).54 Summer precipitation is expected to vary across the Northern Great Plains, ranging from no change under a lower scenario (RCP4.5) to 10%–20% reductions under a higher scenario (RCP8.5).54 Further, the frequency of heavy precipitation events is projected to increase, with an increase of about 50% in the frequency of two-day heavy rainfall events by 2050 under the higher scenario (RCP8.5). The amount falling in single-day heavy events is projected to increase 8%–10% by mid-century depending on scenario.54 Although fewer hail days are expected, a 40% increase in damage potential from hail due to more frequent occurrence of larger hail is predicted for the spring months by mid-century under a higher scenario (RCP8.5).55 Even with increases in precipitation, warmer temperatures are expected to increase evaporative demand, leading to more frequent and severe droughts.56 Some of the negative effects of drying in a warmer climate are likely to be offset by elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations, which directly stimulate plant growth and increase plant water-use efficiency.3
The warmer and generally wetter conditions projected for some of the Northern Great Plains, coupled with elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations, are expected to
increase soil water availability during the primary growing season in the northern part of the region and decrease it the southern parts;1,9
increase the number of extreme temperature events (high daytime highs or nighttime lows) during critical pollination and grain fill periods, which will very likely reduce crop yields;6,9
lead to declining yield for crops6 and forages7,8 due to increasing temperatures, some of which will be offset by increasing CO2;
increase the abundance and competitive ability of weeds and invasive species;1,2
alter plant phenology—for example, earlier onset of spring (Ch. 1: Overview, Figure 1.2j)57 and earlier flowering of plants;58
decrease the quality of forage available to livestock;3,59,60
increase livestock production and efficiency of production due to greater net primary productivity and longer growing seasons;3
result in longer growing seasons at mid- and high latitudes;4,5 and
increase the range and fecundity of crop pests.9
All of these changes will require increased flexibility in resource management.61,62,63
Adaptation for agricultural land use for the next 20–30 years, or to the mid-21st century, will be most effective when decision-making integrates biophysical, social, and economic components. Proactive learning opportunities that integrate experimental and experiential knowledge—such as lessons learned from early adopters—can help enhance decision-making. After all, many adaptations have already been implemented by a subset of producers in this region, providing opportunities for assessment, further development, and adoption. Context-specific decision-making for operations can also be improved through science–management partnerships, which aim to build adaptive capacity while being sensitive to multiple production, conservation, and environmental goals. Transfer of this adaptive knowledge in a timely manner to producers in the field through novel, multipronged communication efforts will assist land managers in more effectively and resiliently responding to the changes to come (see Case Study “Adaptive Rangeland Management”). The climate changes projected over the longer term (through the end of this century) are likely to require transformative changes in agricultural management, including regional shifts of agricultural practices and enterprises.61,64
Ecosystems across the Northern Great Plains provide recreational opportunities and other valuable goods and services that are at risk in a changing climate. Rising temperatures have already resulted in shorter snow seasons, lower summer streamflows, and higher stream temperatures, which have negatively affected high-elevation ecosystems and riparian areas, with important consequences for local economies that depend on winter or river-based recreational activities. Climate-induced land-use changes in agriculture can have cascading effects on closely entwined natural ecosystems, such as wetlands and the diverse species and recreational amenities they support. Federal, tribal, state, and private organizations are undertaking preparedness and adaptation activities, such as scenario planning, transboundary collaboration, and development of market-based tools.
Ecosystems across the Northern Great Plains provide recreational opportunities and other valuable goods and services that are ingrained in the region’s cultures and at risk in a changing climate. Recreationists enjoyed roughly 13.1 million days of fishing in the region in 2011, along with 10.8 million days of hunting and 8.7 million days of wildlife-watching. The region contains two dozen national parks, monuments, and historic sites. This subset of outdoor recreationists alone—among a wider population who pursue additional outdoor recreation activities in the region—spent over $4.9 billion on these activities during 2011 ($5.2 billion in 2015 dollars).65,66,67,68,69
Climate change affects recreation through three pathways: 1) direct impacts to the ecosystems and wildlife or fish populations of interest (for example, increasing water temperature impacting coldwater fish survival); 2) changes in environmental conditions that directly affect recreationists (for example, increased water temperatures resulting in brief river closures for angling to minimize additional stress on sensitive fish species); and 3) effects of adaptation policies on habitat quality or recreational enjoyment (for example, energy policies that result in higher fuel costs, making distant trips more expensive).70 These three pathways have not been fully quantified for most recreational systems, within or beyond the Northern Great Plains, and the third pathway is only speculative—it has not yet been documented in the scientific literature. Scientific understanding is most complete for the first pathway—the extent and ways in which climate change affects ecosystems that support outdoor recreation.70
Climate-related impacts are already being felt in the region’s terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, as well as the local economies that depend upon them. Climate-driven changes in snowpack, spring snowmelt, and runoff have resulted in more rapid melting of winter snowpack and earlier peak runoff due to rapid springtime warming.71,72,73 These effects have resulted in lower streamflows, especially in late summer.74 Lower flows, combined with warmer air temperatures, have caused stream temperatures to rise.75,76,77 These conditions are negatively affecting aquatic biodiversity (e.g., Hotaling et al. 201778) and ecosystem functions of riparian areas (areas along the banks of rivers and streams; e.g., Tonkin et al. 201879), with important consequences for local economies that depend upon river-based recreation. For example, higher stream temperatures are accelerating the hybridization and genetic dilution of native trout species with nonnative trout species.80 Similarly, shifts in habitat suitability in favor of warmwater fish species are projected to reduce the value of coldwater fishing in the Northern Great Plains by $25 million per year under RCP4.5 by the end of the century and by $66 million per year under RCP8.5 (in 2015 dollars).81 Higher stream temperatures are already increasing the vulnerability of coldwater fish species to diseases, such as proliferative kidney disease (PKD).82,83,84 PKD killed thousands of native mountain whitefish in Montana during 2016, which triggered a month-long closure of 180 miles of the Yellowstone River to all water-based recreation.85 Economic impacts to local communities are still being quantified, but initial estimates range from $360,000 to $524,000 (in 2014 dollars; range is from $363,600 to $529,240 in 2015 dollars).86
In the mountainous areas of the region, climate change is impacting snow-dependent ecosystems and economies. In Wyoming and Montana, for example, higher-than-normal winter and fall temperatures and low summer precipitation are enabling severe mountain pine beetle outbreaks in whitebark pine.87 Whitebark pine is a keystone species of high-elevation ecosystems, providing a critical seed source for more than 20 wildlife species, creating microenvironments that allow other tree species to establish, and influencing snowpack dynamics.88,89 Whitebark pine is also an important cultural resource for some tribes in the region.90
In the future, warmer temperatures and changes in precipitation are expected to decrease the extent and duration of snow cover across much of the northern hemisphere. In the mountains of western Wyoming and western Montana, the fraction of total water in precipitation that falls as snow (from October 1 to March 31) is expected to decline by 25% to 40% by 2100 under a lower scenario (RCP4.5).10 The last day of the snow season is also expected to arrive earlier in the spring. Under a lower scenario (RCP4.5), it is expected to occur roughly 20 days sooner by 2050 and 30 days sooner by 2100. Under a higher scenario (RCP8.5), it is expected to occur 80 days sooner by 2100.10 This would negatively affect the region’s winter recreation industry, including snowmobiling, cross-country skiing, and downhill skiing.11
Under a lower scenario (RCP4.5), the season length for cross-country skiing and snowmobiling in northwestern Wyoming and western Montana is expected to decline by 20% to 60% by 2090.11 Under the higher scenario (RCP8.5), the projected decline is more severe: 60% to 100%.11 Similar losses in season length are projected for the region’s downhill skiing industry—a $275 million industry.11 The number of visitors to downhill ski areas is, therefore, expected to decline. Under RCP4.5, visitors are projected to decline by 13% by 2050 and 22% by 2090 (holding population constant); under RCP8.5, projected declines are 19% by 2050 and 49% by 2090.11 Similar declines are projected for the region’s $4.6 million cross-country ski industry and $2.3 million snowmobiling industry (in 2015 dollars).11 Such reductions in visitor numbers would cause ripple effects across the local economies of snow-dependent communities.
At lower-elevation areas of the Northern Great Plains, natural ecosystems are often embedded within agricultural landscapes. Climate-induced land-use changes in agriculture can, therefore, have cascading effects on closely entwined natural ecosystems, such as wetlands,12 and the diverse species and recreational opportunities they support. Technological and economic forces within agriculture are also driving land-use changes, which accelerate the degradation of wetlands. For example, in South Dakota and North Dakota, changing climatic and market conditions have enabled agriculture shifts from pasture to small grains, or small grains to corn and soybeans.12 Nearly 40% of these land-use changes have occurred within 300 feet of neighboring wetlands, reducing the quantity of wetlands and the quality of their ecological functions (see Case Study “Wetlands and the Birds of the Prairie Pothole Region”).46 For example, conversion of pasture to cropland or of winter-seeded crops to spring-seeded crops reduces waterfowl nest survival by increasing habitat fragmentation, which makes nests more vulnerable to predation.91,92 Tillage in newly converted fields also increases the risk of soil being washed into nearby wetlands, reducing their biological productivity and floodwater storage capacity.93 These changes have cascading effects not only on wetland-dependent waterfowl but also on shorebirds, fish, amphibians, aquatic insects, and plants. Waterfowl hunting and watching are important cultural and economic activities in rural communities of the Northern Great Plains.94 In South Dakota alone, hunters spent $84.7 million in 2015–2016 on migratory bird hunting (in 2016 dollars; $83.9 in 2015 dollars).95
Higher temperatures, reduced snow cover, and more variable precipitation would make it increasingly challenging to manage the region’s valuable wetlands, rivers, and snow-dependent ecosystems to sustain today’s levels of natural amenities and associated recreational opportunities. Federal, tribal, state, and private organizations are undertaking preparedness and adaptation activities, including scenario planning, to discuss current climate-driven challenges and envision future challenges and responses. The North Central Climate Adaptation Science Center, for example, has facilitated scenario planning exercises for southwestern South Dakota in the vicinity of Badlands National Park and for central North Dakota in the vicinity of Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site.96 The Crown Adaptation Partnership—a transboundary team of scientists and resource managers from the United States, Canada, and Tribes/First Nations—is collaborating on climate change adaptation strategies across multiple jurisdictions to enhance resilience of the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem in northern Montana, southwestern Alberta, and southeastern British Columbia.97 Finally, private organizations have been partnering with researchers to develop “payments-for-ecosystem services,” an emerging tool to address land-use change on private agricultural acreage.98 This market-based tool, when designed appropriately, can encourage private landowners to provide wetlands, wildlife habitat, pollinator habitat, and other valued ecosystem services rather than converting land to uses that produce fewer ecosystem services.99,100
The region’s valued ecosystems and recreational opportunities are being affected by climate change to an extent not fully understood, but increasingly being studied. Existing knowledge is primarily based on local and regional case studies, often about specific recreational activities or individual wildlife species. This makes comprehensive assessment a challenge and highlights the need for additional work to fill remaining gaps.101
Fossil fuel and renewable energy production and distribution infrastructure is expanding within the Northern Great Plains. Climate change and extreme weather events put this infrastructure at risk, as well as the supply of energy it contributes to support individuals, communities, and the U.S. economy as a whole. The energy sector is also a significant source of greenhouse gases and volatile organic compounds that contribute to climate change and ground-level ozone pollution.
Energy resources in the Northern Great Plains include abundant crude oil, natural gas, coal, wind, stored water, and, to a lesser extent, corn-based ethanol, solar energy, and uranium. The infrastructure associated with the extraction, distribution, and energy produced from these resources is vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, including increasing average temperatures and heat waves, decreasing water availability in the summer, and an increase in the frequency and severity of heavy precipitation events leading to floods.13
Energy infrastructure vulnerabilities relate to how fuel is transported and how energy is produced, generated, transmitted, and used. For example, railroads and pipelines are vulnerable to damage or disruption from increasing heavy precipitation events and associated flooding and erosion.13 Summer heat waves also damage railroad tracks and are expected to reduce thermoelectric power plant and transmission line capacity,13 though estimates of the likelihood, timeframe, or magnitude of such impacts are limited. Higher temperatures are likely to lower the yields of crops used for biofuels while shifting northward the range in which certain biofuel crops (such as corn) can be cultivated.13 Biorefineries are vulnerable to decreasing water availability during drier summers and periods of drought.13 Declining water availability in the summer would likely increase costs for oil production operations, which require freshwater resources.13 These cost increases will lead either to reduced production or be passed on to consumers. Finally, higher maximum temperatures, longer and more severe heat waves, and higher overnight lows are expected to increase electricity demand for cooling in the summer, further stressing the power grid.13 Increasing demands for electricity in response to increasing temperatures are projected to increase costs to the power system by approximately $13–$18 million per year by 2050 under the higher scenario (RCP8.5) and $42–$80 million per year by 2090 under the same scenario (in 2015 dollars).81
These risks to the energy sector are likely to negatively impact individuals, communities, and the economy, and are also likely to require new planning and preparedness options for the short and long term. While such efforts have already begun, more widespread and coordinated strategies would help maximize risk reduction to the energy sector.
Examples of energy sector resilience solutions include actions like railroad preventive maintenance, upgrades, and reliability standards; water-efficient cooling technologies for thermoelectric power plants, such as recirculating or wet–dry hybrid systems; and programs that reduce total and peak electricity demand.13 Such programs, often run by electric utilities, use rebates and cash incentives to encourage customers to purchase more efficient appliances and equipment like lighting, pumps, water heaters, and air conditioners.
The energy sector is also a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions in the Northern Great Plains, as illustrated in Figure 22.6.81 Methane is released during the production, processing, transmission, storage, and distribution of natural gas. CO2 and methane are released during the production, transportation, and refining of petroleum. Coal mining also releases methane. CO2 is emitted from the combustion of coal and natural gas to produce electricity and from the combustion of petroleum for transportation.117 Natural gas and petroleum systems also emit volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, that contribute to the formation of ground-level ozone pollution. Climate change is generally expected to increase such ozone pollution in the future throughout much of the United States, in part due to higher temperatures and more frequent stagnant air conditions (Ch. 13: Air Quality). Unless offset by additional emissions reductions of ozone precursors, these climate-driven increases in ozone are forecast to cause premature deaths, hospital visits, lost school days, and acute respiratory symptoms.118
Strategies being employed in the region to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the energy sector include increasing the performance of coal-fired power plants; offsetting fossil fuel-fired generation with renewable energy; conducting methane leak detection and repair programs using remote sensing technologies at natural gas operations; upgrading the equipment used to produce, store, and transport oil and gas; and demand-side management of electricity use.
Indigenous peoples of the Northern Great Plains are at high risk from a variety of climate change impacts, especially those resulting from hydrological changes, including changes in snowpack, seasonality and timing of precipitation events, and extreme flooding and droughts as well as melting glaciers and reduction in streamflows. These changes are already resulting in harmful impacts to tribal economies, livelihoods, and sacred waters and plants used for ceremonies, medicine, and subsistence. At the same time, many tribes have been very proactive in adaptation and strategic climate change planning.
The rich cultural heritage of the Northern Great Plains began with the region’s Indigenous peoples who are now in 27 federally recognized tribes, 1 state-recognized tribe in Montana, and several unrecognized tribes in addition to the myriad Native Americans spread throughout the towns, cities, and rural areas of the region (Figure 22.7). Because tribes and Indigenous peoples are among those in the region with the highest rates of poverty and unemployment, and because many are still directly reliant on natural resources, they are among the most at risk to climate change.24,25,27,28,29,30,31
Indigenous peoples in the region are observing many climate and seasonality changes to their natural environment and ecosystems, many of which are impacting livelihoods as well as traditional subsistence and wild foods, wildlife, plants and water for ceremonies and medicines, and health and well-being (see Case Study “Crow Nation and the Spread of Invasive Species”).14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26 Specifically, tribal elders and natural resource managers in the region have observed seasonal changes, such as those in hydrological cycles, phenology, bird migrations, and bear hibernation cycles, as well as reduced availability of traditional plant-based foods and the decline in pine tree species. There is also a mismatch between traditional stories and current climate and seasons.14,19 They are also experiencing significant impacts to subsistence fisheries and riparian ecosystem health, including declines in salmon, trout, frogs, and mussels as a result of reduced streamflow and warmer water temperatures.19,26,119,120 Extreme heat and declines in traditional plants (such as sage, cottonwoods, and cattails) are already impacting summer outdoor ceremonies when participants fast and camp for days.19 In addition, tribes are experiencing increased fire frequency and intensity, and climate projections that show increased fire risks for the region are causing concern for the health of forests, wildlife, freshwater systems and fisheries, and human health.14,19
To the Indigenous peoples of the Northern Great Plains, the Lakota phrase Mni wiconi means “water is life.” Water plays significant cultural, religious, and economic roles across tribal communities that transcend consumptive water use. Because water is so integral, these communities are particularly sensitive to climate change impacts on water in the form of extreme flooding and droughts, changes in snowpack, and changes in the timing of precipitation events. These climate sensitivities, along with substandard water infrastructure and complex institutions and water rights, all combine to create water insecurity.14,18,19,20,23,24,28,120,121,122,123,124 In the Northern Great Plains, just under 29,000 (76%) Indigenous households are in need of new or improved sanitation facilities, and approximately 5,000 households lack safe water supply, sewage facilities, or both.125 The total cost to remediate sanitation facility deficiencies in the region was estimated at around $280 million according to a 2015 annual report from the Indian Health Service.125 Climate change has already begun to exacerbate the problem of disruptions to water supplies from decreased water availability, as happened in 2003 when Standing Rock Reservation ran completely out of water during drought.28
Agriculture, particularly livestock ranching, is a primary tribal livelihood in the region, and warmer temperatures and changes to water cycles (for example, reduced snowpack, earlier transition from snow to rain, and reduced or early runoff) pose a large threat and are already drying soils, reducing forage production, increasing livestock stress, and reducing water availability for irrigation systems throughout the region.20,120 Reservations in the region would require a combined $176 million in maintenance or $491 million to replace neglected and failing Bureau of Indian Affairs irrigation systems (Table 22.4).126 High leakages and inefficiencies in these systems hinder effective management of water and irrigation systems for climate change.20
Irrigation Project | Deferred Maintenance for FY 2014 | Replacement Value |
Blackfeet | $26,000,000 | $50,000,000 |
Flathead | $82,000,000 | $237,000,000 |
Fort Belknap | $8,000,000 | $19,000,000 |
Fort Peck | $13,000,000 | $33,000,000 |
Crow | $17,000,000 | $59,000,000 |
Wind River | $30,000,000 | $93,000,000 |
Total | $176,000,000 | $491,000,000 |
Tribes have unique water rights and layers of relevant state and federal laws (for example, the Winters Doctrine and state water rights adjudication, and Prior Appropriation laws in the West). Climate change impacts on water resources are very likely to be compounded by these legal complexities, especially in cases where state water laws supersede tribal water codes and water rights during times of scarcity, such as at Wind River Reservation, where the Wyoming Supreme Court ruled that the state has primary authority.20,123,127,128 Indigenous people in the region are also very concerned about the consequences of major oil pipelines passing through the region. Their concerns are in part focused around potential leaks, which would impact water resources already stressed by climate change. This concern is further intensified by the reality that climate change is projected to damage infrastructure in the region, including pipelines, through extreme storm or precipitation events that cause flooding.54,56,121
Disaster management is another area of great concern for the Northern Great Plains tribes. Over the last two decades, tribes have experienced unusually catastrophic fires, floods, and droughts that are already straining response capacities,25 and climate change is expected to increase the need for the ability to fight fires, floods, and droughts.14,16,25,129,130,131 Severe droughts in this century have resulted in serious impacts, such as tribal ranchers liquidating herds and reservations possessing no water at all.28 Extreme hydrological events on the region’s reservations are also happening in quick succession, such as the 2011 floods followed by severe drought and fire in 2012.19,20,25,28 Each event strains the response capacity, and for the many tribes struggling with a lack of disaster preparedness, successive events compound the challenge.25,28 This has widespread impacts on tribal economies and livelihoods, domestic and municipal water supplies, and health and well-being.
Many climate adaptations are underway in Northern Great Plains Indigenous communities, but tribes also face unique legal and regulatory barriers because of post-colonial resettlement and reservation impacts of land fragmentation and uneven regulation by federal agencies. For example, the trust relationship with the federal Government, where the Federal Government holds the titles of tribal lands “in trust” for the tribes, requires federal permission for many aspects of land and resource management.14,15,16,17,18,20,25,131,132,133,134,135 Outside of these limitations, however, the tribes do have control over the reservations’ built environment and housing. For example, the Oglala Lakota Nation (Pine Ridge) in South Dakota has created a sustainability plan that includes off-grid, climate-resilient housing and sustainable agriculture.16,17,122,136 Other climate adaptation examples include Flathead Reservation’s strategic climate planning for multiple sectors and species of cultural and economic importance; several South Dakota tribes’ climate vulnerability assessment and drought planning; Wind River Reservation’s drought assessment and preparedness; Northern Cheyenne Tribe’s Integrated Resource Management Planning that will include climate change; and Fort Belknap’s climate adaptation plan, which integrated planning with fire, forestry, and invasives management.14,20,25 The InterTribal Buffalo Council also has drought and climate adaptation grants to prepare tribal bison herd managers in the region and beyond for climate impacts to bison pastures and water sources. There are multiple tribal initiatives that focus on climate and Indigenous knowledge-based education, outreach, and information sharing between tribes. For example, the Northern Cheyenne Indigenous land-based science learning program offers apprenticeships for youth interested in bio-cultural restoration science. The program, which sits in the tribe’s Department of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources, aims to increase tribal knowledge around Indigenous and western sciences and thus enable youth to reclaim their responsibility to the land. Also, the Blackfeet and Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes collaborated on a regional workshop with First Nations throughout the region to share ideas and strategies and provide support for tribal climate adaptation planning.25 Tribes are increasingly drawing on their deep, place-based connections to natural cycles and Indigenous knowledge, combined with western technical sciences, to respond to and prepare for climate change.14,15,16
A warming climate is projected to hasten the spread of invasive species within riparian ecosystems.134,137,138,139 Indigenous populations who harvest and hold sacred flora and fauna along rivers within the semiarid region of south central Montana are particularly vulnerable.140 Post-reservation settlement of Treaty Tribes and multiple land policies aimed at assimilation of Native American Tribes in the United States created a checkerboard of land ownership within reservation boundaries. The Apsaalooké, or Crow, Reservation was established after the Fort Laramie Treaty of 1886 and is located within the mountains and valleys along the Little Bighorn and Bighorn Rivers in south central Montana.141 Promotion of agriculture in the late 19th century, along with the establishment of divergent dams for floodplain irrigation, resulted in decreased water flows, affecting the natural pulse of these river systems and their associated native riparian species. Cascading effects of river regulation, along with intentional planting of the invasive species Russian olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia L.) during the Indian Emergency Conservation Work era of the 1930s, have drastically altered natural vegetation within these watersheds (Figure 22.8). These complex networks of policy and culture determine the ways in which land and riparian regimes were drastically changed. The resulting conditions favored invasive plants and ecosystem degradation.142
The Apsaalooké, or Crow, people regularly harvest riparian plant species for food, ritual, and ceremonial uses. For example, plains cottonwood (Populus deltoides, Marsh) and willow (Salix sp. L.) are used for ceremonial (sweat lodge and Sun Dance) purposes. Crow Elders indicated that they must travel on average more than 15 miles farther now than they did 25 years ago to locate cottonwoods of specific sizes. They also find it difficult to locate and harvest traditional food sources such as chokecherry (Prunus americana L.) and buffalo berry (Shepherdia argentea Pursh., Nutt.). What was once a cottonwood- and willow-dominated river system is now dominated by Russian olive. Populations of salt cedar are likewise increasing along both the Bighorn and Little Bighorn Rivers and associated floodplains. Projections using habitat species distribution models suggest that Russian olive plants will continue to spread in the next 10 years as a result of increasing temperatures and precipitation (Figure 22.8). Continued spread of Russian olive species ultimately threatens the ability of the Crow people to harvest culturally important riparian species that provide subsistence, medicine, and plant species used in ceremony.140
The chapter lead (CL) and coordinating lead author (CLA) developed a list of potential contributing authors by soliciting suggestions from the past National Climate Assessment (NCA) author team, colleagues and collaborators throughout the region, and contributors to other regional reports. Our initial list of potential authors also included CL nominees submitted to the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP). The CL and CLA discussed the Northern Great Plains, which was part of the larger Great Plains region for the Third National Climate Assessment (NCA3), with each of these nominees and, as part of that discussion, solicited suggestions for other nominees. This long list of potential contributing authors was pared down by omitting individuals who could not contribute in a timely fashion, and the list was finalized after reconciliation against key themes within the region identified by past NCA authors, the CL and CLA, and contributing author nominees. The team of contributing authors was selected to represent the region geographically and thematically, but participants from some states who had agreed to contribute were eventually unable to do so. Others were unable to contribute from the start. The author team is mostly composed of authors who did not contribute to NCA3.
The CL and CLA, in consultation with past NCA authors and contributing author nominees, identified an initial list of focal areas of regional importance. The author team then solicited input from colleagues and regional experts (identified based on their deep ties to scientific and practitioner communities across the region) on their thoughts on focal areas. This list informed the agenda of a region-wide meeting held on February 22, 2017, with core locations in Fort Collins, Colorado, and Rapid City, South Dakota. The main purpose of this meeting was to seek feedback on the proposed list of focal areas. With this feedback, the author team was able to refine our focal areas to the five themes comprising the Key Messages of the Northern Great Plains regional chapter. Of these, recreation/tourism is a focus area that is new from NCA3.